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Trends in Digitalization

         of Education and

         Educational Assessments

          Dirk HASTEDT
          IEA Executive Director

          Since 1958, IEA has led the way in conducting worldwide  ICILS TP (International Computer and Information Liter-
          comparative  studies  of  educational  achievement.  One  acy Study Teacher Panel) 2020 provides unique insights
          of the most significant developments over the years has  into  changes  in  the  use  of  computers  and  information
          been the expansion of computer systems. We live in an  technology in teaching since the outbreak of COVID-19
          increasingly digitalized society, and this is also reflected  in  participating  countries  Denmark,  Finland,  and  Uru-
          in the pupils’ learning environment in school and at home  guay.  With  existing  ICILS  2018  data  and  findings,  IEA
          in many countries, albeit at different rates, as education  was able to re-administer the questionnaires to teachers
          is increasingly making use of digital technology.   and schools that had participated in ICILS 2018 again in
      ıstanbul   Policies that reflect the growing importance of technol-  late 2020.

    .     ogy were reported by countries in the TIMSS (Trends in  According  to  teachers’  perceptions  in  ICILS  TP,  the
          International Mathematics and Science Study) 2019 En-  challenges of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic
          cyclopedia, released in November 2020, which vary from  meant  several  improvements  regarding  ICT  in  deliver-
          country  to  country.  Internationally,  about  four-fifths  of  ing  instruction  between  2018  and  2020.  For  instance,
          countries reported having national policies in place at the  in 2020, a higher percentage of teachers across partic-
          fourth  and  eighth  grade  for  integrating  technology  into  ipating  countries  reported  using  digital  tools  compared
          mathematics and science teaching, and about two-thirds  to 2018. Furthermore, a higher percentage of teachers
          have similar policies related to information and communi-  agreed  with  statements  about  ICT  being  considered  a
          cations technology in science instruction at both grades.   priority for use in teaching in 2020 compared to 2018:
                                                              in Denmark from 97% to 100%, in Finland from 90% to
          Before the COVID-19 disruption, digitalization in teaching  95%, and in Uruguay from 68% to 78%. 3
          and learning had already been integrated into tradition-
          al  schooling,  especially  in  more  developed  countries.
          The COVID-19 pandemic urgently accelerated the need
          for many countries to make more extensive use of ICT-
          based  communication  across  members  within  school

            Kelly, D.L., Centurino, V.A.S., Martin, M.O., & Mullis, I.V.S. (Eds.) (2020). TIMSS 2019 Encyclopedia: Education Policy and Curriculum in Mathe-
          matics and Science. Retrieved from Boston College, TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center website:
            Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., Friedman, T., Duckworth, D. (Eds.) (2020). Preparing for Life in a Digital World. IEA International Computer and
          Information Literacy Study 2018 International Report. Retrieved from Springer website:
            Strietholt, R., Fraillon, J., Meinck, S., Wild, J., Liaw, Y. (Eds.) (2021). Changes In Digital Learning During A Pandemic: Findings from the ICILS
          Teacher Panel. Retrieved from IEA website (table 3.6):
          gital-learning-during                                                      .
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